A themed wedding – how to find the perfect theme

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As its name implies, in a trendy themed wedding the main focus lies on a specific theme. The good thing is, every theme is allowed and it is helpful to have a “golden thread” that runs through the entire wedding. Your themed wedding gets that certain something that you are wishing for and stands out against every run-of-the-mill wedding.

How to find the perfect theme for your own wedding?

It is crucial that the theme be closely related to you as the bridal couple and suit you.

A „trendy theme“ which is meaningless to you would only lead to a lack of authenticity.

  • Do you engage in a certain hobby that connects the both of you, like motorcycling, diving or soccer?
  • Do you love the same vacation spots like America, Africa or Sweden?
  • Do you both share a fascination with an era like the dark age, the age of chivalry or the Baroque?
  • Do you fancy certain colours/combinations like silver/gold, black/white or flashing pink?
  • Do you both share a love for certain films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or James Bond?
  • Do you share a love for plants or animals, like lilies or dragonflies?

In a themed wedding everything is allowed – the main point is that it suits you! From the invitation, through the location, right up to the table decoration – everything is adjusted to your particular theme.

You still do not have an idea for your themed wedding in Tuscany? I will be happy to support you. Just book a consultation appointment and we will find the perfect theme for you!